About Me

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Carly Catanese PT, DPT, DMT, MEd

I have been in the health and wellness field for the last 17 years. I practice holistic health and wellness. I utilize my blended skillset as a physical therapist, exercise physiologist, personal trainer and breath coach to teach people how to perform at their most optimal level. I decided to follow my passion for optimal performance.

I adopt a holistic training approach. I recognize that every aspect of your system is interconnected. Any disruption within it can have extensive effects on your overall well-being.

I am living proof that a holistic training approach actually works! This is what drives my passion and motivation for helping others.

I practice what I preach. I am passionate about what I do and strongly believe in the value of my work.

I love seeing my clients transform before my eyes.

My purpose is to see my clients:
Breathe Better.
Move Better.
Perform Better.

More FAQs About Me:

  • Ohio University, Bachelor of Science (Health Communication Studies), 2006

    Cleveland State University, Master of Education (Exercise Physiology), 2007

    Masters Thesis: The Effect of External Counterpulsation (ECP) on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) in Long Distance Runners, 2007

    Cleveland State University, Doctorate of Physical Therapy, 2011

    Ola Grimsby Institute, Doctorate of Manual Therapy, 2015

    STOTT PILATES Rehab Trained; Portland, OR

    STOTT PILATES Intensive Mat & Reformer Trained; Seattle, WA

    Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification, 2021

    Pelvis Pro Certification, 2023

    Certified Breath Coach -The Whole Health Project, 2023

  • What I do is MORE than just work on restoring normal breathing mechanics, it’s synchronizing breath with movement, restoring normal movement patterns, optimizing your performance, and allowing you to enjoy pain-free living!

    It’s whole body wellness.

    I help you to put all the parts together. You do NOT have to figure this all out on your own, that’s my job! You just have to implement the plan we create.

    I look forward to helping you excel beyond what you thought was possible.

    Breathe Better.
    Move Better.
    Perform Better.

  • It was my own personal journey through health challenges as an adolecent, that initially led me to choose my profession and career path. Sometimes, life sends us subtle hints, but in December 2022, life sent me a slap in the face.

    My life took a 180 degree turn. I went from a state of physical well-being, high functionality, and self-sufficiency to a state where I couldn't stand, sit, walk, or even sleep.

    This completely derailed my life. It lead to a hospital admission that yielded no relief from the excruciating pain and the physical immobility I was experiencing. I found myself imprisoned within my own body, confined to the couch, with no ability to move.

    The ONLY thing I could do was breathe. Breathwork and breath retraining exercises became my lifeline. It offered a means to soothe my nervous system, alleviate pain, and reduce inflammation.

    In a time when it felt as though everything had been stripped away from me—my health, autonomy, career, and control over my life—my breath remained the one aspect I could control.

    This experience further fueled my passion for empowering others to reclaim their life and the balance within their bodies.

    To feel best in your body, you must first start with your breath!

  • Undoubtedly, HARD WORK, DILIGENCE, PERSISTENCE, and PERSEVERANCE, but not without the help of my chosen team of providers.

    I refused to accept that my health was as good as it was going to get.

    It made me appreciate more than ever before, how CRITICAL it is to have a team of providers you can count on, who understand you, and can help you.

    It was A LOT of work, self-discipline, and self-motivation and it took time.

    ”Sometimes the hardest things are the ones most worth doing.” - Jennifer E. Smith.

    Regrettably, at times, we find ourselves subject to the limitations of our bodies. Nonetheless, providing our bodies with the appropriate stimulation or input CAN accelerate the journey to recovery.

    I did NOT give up!

    I am happy to report that my recovery is progressing well and I'm back to guiding my clients on their path to wellness!

“God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us - in the dreariest and most dreaded moments - can see a possibility of hope.”

— Maya Angelou